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Q) What do you do to stay healthy? と言ったトピックのエッセイ問題があると仮定しましょう。
Ex1) I always eat vegetables and go for a walk every day.
Ex2) To stay healthy, I always do a lot of things. The most important thing of them is having a well-balanced diet.
Ex3) Many people are very sensitive to health today. The coronavirus pandemic seems to have affected their ways of thinking about the importance of staying healthy. Even though many people do different things for their good health, I always walk outside for at least 30 minutes a day.
Ex4) Living a healthy life is always an important key to leading a successful life. Many people seemingly pay attention to what they eat or how much they eat, and they sensitively check their weight. On the other hand, it seems that only physical health comes to mind when people think of health. In my view, considering both physical and mental heath is important since staying in good shape requires a good state of mind, especially in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. In this essay, I will show what I do to keep good health.