・The reading and the lecture are both about ( ).
・The author (of the reading) mainly talks about ( ), and the speaker(lecturer) agrees with him/her on the whole.
・The author basically shows ( ), but the lecturer casts doubt on the claims made in the article/reading.
・The reading is mainly about ( ), and the speaker thinks ( ).
The author points out that ( ). He/She thinks so because ( ).
However, the lecturer refutes the point because he/she believes ( ).
The author contends that ( ).
He/She supports this opinion/argument by stating that ( ).
On the other hand, the lecturer rebuts his/her claim. The speaker demonstrates ( ).
The author of the passage describes ( ), which is in direct contradiction to the author's idea.
The author claims that ( ). Even though he/she explains ( ) clearly, this point is challenged by the lecturer who insists that ( ).
The author makes it clear that ( ). He/she elaborates on this point by
mentioning that ( ).
Nevertheless, the lecturer challenges his/her idea. He states ( ) to increase the credibility of his/her idea.
The author provides some opinions about ( ), and the speaker basically agrees with him/her.
The speaker elaborates on this point by noting that ( ).
The author offers how ( ) (ex: how the use of Internet brings us good effects). The speaker supports this opinion by adding some explanation about it.
TOEFLを受けたことがある人なら御承知の事と思いますが、TOEFLのWritingはIntegrated sectionとIndependent sectionに分かれています。
Integrated(総合的な、統合された、複合的な) sectionは文字通り、Writing力+αがテストされます。
Independent(独立した) sectionは文字通りWriting力だけをメインに測るsectionなので、それとの対比ですね。
そもそもIntegrated sectionではWriting力のほかにReadingとListeningの力も試されます。
Reading partの筆者が何らかのテーマについて論じ、その立場を取るいくつかの理由を述べます。
Listening partでは一方、その筆者の立場とは逆の立場をとり(大体は)、その筆者が述べた理由も潰していきます。
例)Reading sectionで筆者のポイントが以下のようなものであるとします。
一方、それを受けてListening sectionでは以下のようなポイントで語られるでしょう。
・The reading and the lecture are both about ( ).
・The author (of the reading) mainly talks about ( ), and the speaker(lecturer) agrees with him/her on the whole.
・The author basically shows ( ), but the lecturer casts doubt on the claims made in the article/reading.
・The reading is mainly about ( ), and the speaker thinks ( ).
The author points out that ( ). He/She thinks so because ( ).
However, the lecturer refutes the point because he/she believes ( ).
The author contends that ( ).
He/She supports this opinion/argument by stating that ( ).
On the other hand, the lecturer rebuts his/her claim. The speaker demonstrates ( ).
The author of the passage describes ( ), which is in direct contradiction to the author's idea.
The author claims that ( ). Even though he/she explains ( ) clearly, this point is challenged by the lecturer who insists that ( ).
The author makes it clear that ( ). He/she elaborates on this point by
mentioning that ( ).
Nevertheless, the lecturer challenges his/her idea. He states ( ) to increase the credibility of his/her idea.
The author provides some opinions about ( ), and the speaker basically agrees with him/her.
The speaker elaborates on this point by noting that ( ).
The author offers how ( ) (ex: how the use of Internet brings us good effects). The speaker supports this opinion by adding some explanation about it.