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[Ask Alpha]I want to know which school I should apply to, how much time I will need for preparation.
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I am thinking of getting an MBA for my career. I have been working in Asia so that I would like to stay in there. I would like to know which school is suitable for me and how much time I need to devote to prepare.
Thank you for asking us!
- Getting an MBA in Asia is popular among our students, especially in Hong Kong and in Singapore.
- At university in Hong Kong and Singapore, you will have a year program and will have an opportunity to be an exchange student in the States.
- There are highly-recommended schools like NUS, INSEAD, SMU, HKU, HKUST, and CUHK. Each of them has different features. You should pick the right one for you.
- We always have more than 200 students and all of them have their goal achieved.
- It is clear what you can do: preparation for resume, essay, recommendation, TOEFL/IELTS, GMAT/GRE, interview and research for schools.
- We better talk once about your strategy.
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