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[Ask Alpha]MBA: I'm turning 32 this year, and am currently looking for an Executive MBA program.
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I am working at a manufacturing firm and am currently 32 years old.
I am looking for an Executive MBA program and hopefully a year program. Would you recommend any school? Also, what kind of support could I get?
Thank you for choosing us to help you.
This is an Executive MBA ranking 2015.
You will have several choices for Executive MBA: intensive program, weekend program, or program that you pick date and time.
You have to think about your visa.
If you cannot get a visa from school, you might not be able to live and go to school in the States at the same time.
Think not only your current short-term goal, but also post-MBA career.
If you wish to take your family, you have to think about your residence too. In other words, you can bring your family and children with you.
We shall once talk about your strategy!
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