Executive Assessment vs. GMAT: An In-Depth Guide to Differences in Duration, Format, and Beyond

In the realm of MBA admissions, while many schools require GMAT scores, the Executive Assessment (EA) is garnering attention as an alternative. There are also numerous overseas MBAs where applications can be submitted with EA scores.
Let's compare the differences between the Executive Assessment (EA) and the GMAT.

1.Comparing EA and GMAT

Tue, 12 Mar 2024 13:22:40 +0900

2.Differences in Test Format

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It is a Computer-Adaptive test where the difficulty level of each subsequent question changes according to the examinee's performance on previous questions.
Executive Assessment (EA) :
A Multi-Stage Adaptive format is used, where the first half presents the same set of questions to all examinees, and their performance on these determines the difficulty level of the questions in the second half.

3.Differences in Opportunities for Reviewing Questions

When moving between sections, you can bookmark questions you want to review later. After answering all questions in a section, you can review all questions within that section and make up to three answer corrections.
Executive Assessment (EA) :
It consists of three sections: Integrated Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning, and Quantitative Reasoning, further divided into six modules. At the end of each of the six modules, you can review and correct your answers.

Tue, 12 Mar 2024 13:24:22 +0900

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