MBA Admissions Support Programs!
Things to Consider Before Choosing your Business School
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MBA Admissions Support Programs!
Choosing the right business school for your MBA is one of the most challenging parts of the process, since a lot depends on this decision. Here are some quick tips shared by an INSEAD MBA student, to help you make the right choice:
1) How Much It Fits Your Career Goals: no one school may be perfect for you, but since an MBA can help you kick-start towards your goals, make sure your school aligns with your needs and goals to make the most out of the experience.
2) Course Format and Location: there are two major types of full-time MBAs: one year and two year programs. You must decide which is better suited for you and then see whether the schools you are considering offers the course you want. In addition to that, you must consider where you want to study and work in the future, especially if you are planning to study abroad.