3 Tips Every MBA Student Wishes They Were Given

An MBA degree is undoubtedly one of the most important experiences in a student or professional's life. In addition to that it is no secret that people tend to make misguided decisions or just some immature errors throughout crucial stages of their lives. Here are 3 tips that every MBA student wishes were given to them at the right time.

Fri, 27 May 2016 00:58:17 +0900

1) Write Down Key Dates: when there are so many events or important things going on simultaneously it can be hard to keep track of it all, most students wish they had been more organised and written all dates down in their planner, which would have allowed to keep track of everything and not miss any crucial event.

Fri, 27 May 2016 01:00:22 +0900

2) Making a Strong Support Network: every student will agree with this tip! Having a strong support network will make the overwhelming process much less painful, more manageable and fun at the same time!

Fri, 27 May 2016 01:01:26 +0900

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