MBA Essay Topics By School !!

MBA Admissions: Essay Topic

The essay portion is the one of the most important and time-consuming parts of the MBA application process. Those essays are designed for learning about your personality and to decide whether you are fit for the program or not.

A good essay is powerful, beautiful, and touching. Essays are much more important than exam scores such as GMAT / GRE and TOEFL.

While we offer MBA essay writing advice, we also offer specific guidance for each set of essays for the leading MBA programs, as listed below. Prepare for the upcoming application season and win it with Alpha!

US Schools

Stanford Graduate School of Business

・What matters most to you, and why?
・Why Stanford?

Carnegie Mellon University - Tepper School of Business

・Describe how you have overcome adversity during your journey. What did you learn about yourself and how has that shaped who you are? (Maximum 350-500 words.)

Chicago Booth

・How will the Booth MBA help you achieve your immediate and long-term post-MBA career goals? (250-word minimum)
・An MBA is as much about personal growth as it is about professional development. In addition to sharing your experience and goals in terms of career, we’d like to learn more about you outside of the office. Use this opportunity to tell us something about who you are… (250-word minimum)

Columbia Business School

・Through your resume and recommendations, we have a clear sense of your professional path to date. What are your career goals over the next three to five years and what, in your imagination, would be your long-term dream job? (upload file, 500 words)
・Why do you feel Columbia Business School is a good fit for you? (upload file, 250 words)
・Tell us about your favorite book, movie, or song and why it resonates with you. (upload file, 250 words)

Cornell Johnson Graduate School of Management

・At Cornell, our students and alumni share a desire to positively impact the organizations and communities they serve. Taking into consideration your background, how do you intend to make a meaningful impact on an elite MBA community? (350 words maximum)

Dartmouth College - Tuck School of Business

・Tuck students can articulate how the distinctive Tuck MBA will advance their aspirations. Why are you pursuing an MBA and why Tuck? (300 words)
・Tuck students recognize how their individuality adds to the fabric of Tuck. Tell us who you are. (300 words)
・Tuck students are encouraging, collaborative, and empathetic, even when it is not convenient or easy. Describe a meaningful experience in which you exemplified one or more of these attributes. (300 words)
・Optional: Please provide any additional insight or information that you have not addressed elsewhere (e.g., atypical choice of evaluators, factors affecting academic performance, unexplained job gaps or changes). Complete this question only if you feel your candidacy is not fully represented by this application. (300 words)
・To be completed by all reapplicants: How have you strengthened your candidacy since you last applied? Please reflect on how you have grown personally and professionally. (300 words)

Duke University - Fuqua School of Business

・What are your post-MBA career goals? Share with us your first-choice career plan and your alternate plan (100 words)
・Fuqua prides itself on cultivating a culture of engagement. Our students enjoy a wide range of student-led organizations that provide opportunities for leadership development and personal fulfillment, as well as an outlet for contributing to society. Our student-led government, clubs, centers, and events are an integral part of the student culture and to the development of leaders.
・Based on your understanding of the Fuqua culture, what are 3 ways you expect to contribute at Fuqua? (750 words maximum)

Georgetown University - McDonough School of Business

・Describe a time when you have led a team in a professional environment to implement a new idea or process. What leadership characteristics did you utilize? What could you have done to be more effective? And most importantly, what skills will you be able to bring to the teams you lead at McDonough?
・Describe a time where you have put the needs of others ahead of your own or ahead of the bottom line. We look forward to learning more about the challenge you faced, what unique characteristics you brought to that scenario, and what you learned from it.
・As appropriate, you may wish to address any obstacles or challenges you have overcome; any educational, familial, cultural, economic, and social experiences that have helped to shape your educational and professional goals; or how your background (e.g. first-generation student, resident outside the U.S.) or activities (e.g. community service and leadership) will contribute to our community.

Harvard Business School

・As we review your application, what more would you like us to know as we consider your candidacy for the Harvard Business School MBA program?

MIT Sloan School of Management

・How has the world you come from shaped who you are today? For example, your family, culture, community, all help to shape aspects of your identity. Please use this opportunity if you would like to share more about your background. (250 words)

Northwestern University - Kellogg School of Management

・Kellogg’s purpose is to educate, equip and inspire leaders who create lasting value. Provide a recent example where you have demonstrated leadership and created value. What challenges did you face and what did you learn? (450 words)
・Values are what guide us in our life and work. What values are important to you and how have they influenced you? (450 words)


・What are your short-term career goals?
・How will the Part-time MBA help you achieve them?

The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania

・How do you plan to use the Wharton MBA program to help you achieve your future professional goals? You might consider your past experience, short and long-term goals, and resources available at Wharton. (500 words)
・Taking into consideration your background – personal, professional, and/or academic – how do you plan to make specific, meaningful contributions to the Wharton community? (400 words)

The Yale School of Management's MBA (Tentative)

・Describe the biggest commitment you have ever made. (500 words)

UC Berkeley - Haas School of Business

・”What makes you feel alive when you are doing it, and why? (300 words maximum)”
・”What kind of leader do you aspire to be and why? (300 words max)”

UCLA Anderson School of Management

・Tell us about a recent personal or professional achievement and how it connects to your MBA goals. (250 words maximum)
・Are there any extenuating circumstances in your profile about which the Admissions committee should be aware? (250 words maximum)

UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School

・What are your immediate career goals and how will you benefit from earning an MBA at Kenan-Flagler Business School?
・As the business world continues to evolve, circumstances can change that can guide you in a different direction. Should your goals that you provided above not transpire, what other opportunities would you explore?

University of Michigan - Stephen M. Ross School of Business

・Pick one thing from your resume and tell us more. (100 words)
・What is your short-term goal? (25 words)
I want people to know that I:
I made a difference when I:
I was aware that I was different when:

University of Texas at Austin - McCombs School of Business

・Picture yourself at graduation. Describe how you spent your time as a Texas McCombs MBA to achieve your personal and professional goals. (500 words)

University of Virginia Darden School of Business

・Given that you will be forming lifelong connections with your classmates that extend beyond the classroom, what is important for your classmates to know about you that is not on your resumé? (200 words)
・Please describe a tangible example that illuminates your experience promoting an inclusive environment and what you would bring to creating an inclusive global community at Darden. (300 words)
・At this time how would you describe your short-term, post-MBA goal in terms of industry, function, geography, company size and/or mission and how does it align with the long-term vision you have for your career? (200 words)

USC Marshall MBA

・What is your specific, immediate short-term career goal upon completion of your MBA? Please include an intended position, function, and industry in your response. (word limit: 100)
・Please draft a letter that begins with "Dear Admissions Committee" (word limit: 600)
・(Optional) Please provide any additional information you would like the admissions committee to consider. (word limit: 250)

UK Schools

Cambridge Judge Business School

・Please provide details of your post-MBA career plans. (up to 500 words)
・Describe a difficult decision that you had to make. What did you learn from this and how have you changed as a result? (up to 200 words)
・Describe a time where you worked with a team on a project. What did you learn from the experience and how might you approach it differently today? (up to 200 words)
・If you could give one piece of advice to your 18-year-old self, what would it be? (up to 200 words)

University of Oxford - Saïd Business School MBA

・Please provide a personal statement that outlines anything additional that you would like the admissions committee to consider (Maximum 250 words)


・Give a candid description of yourself (who are you as a person), stressing the personal characteristics you feel to be your strengths and weaknesses and the main factors which have influenced your personal development, giving examples when necessary. (Maximum 500 words)
・Describe the achievement of which you are most proud and explain why. In addition, describe a situation where you failed. How did these experiences impact your relationships with others? Comment on what you learned. (Maximum 400 words)
・Describe all types of extra-professional activities in which you have been or are still involved for a significant amount of time (clubs, sports, music, arts, politics, etc.). How are you enriched by these activities? (Maximum 300 words)

London Business School

・What are your post-MBA goals and how will your prior experience and the London Business School programme contribute towards these? (500 words)
・Is there any other information you believe the Admissions Committee should know about you and your application to London Business School? (500 words)

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Toshihiko Irisumi (TJ)

CEO Toshihiko Irisumi (TJ) worked at Investment Banking Division at Goldman Sachs after graduating from the Chicago Booth MBA. Before studying at Chicago Booth, he worked at Sumitomo Corporation, which is a Japanese top trading company. As an ex-Goldman and Chicago Booth MBA holder, he has deep and wide knowledge about MBA application and Post MBA career. Thanks to his outstanding advices’ quality, a large number of Alpha students succeed in application of MBAs, such as Harvard, Stanford, Wharton, Chicago, Columbia, NYU, UC Berkeley, USLA, USC, LBS, Oxford, and Cambridge!

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Alpha Advisors is where future world leaders take hold of success. Alpha Advisors is an online education platform that maximizes individuals' potential and leads individuals to the success they aspire to. Alpha Advisors offers all the support for those who want to get job offers from or change careers to global companies, to get accepted to graduate programs including MBA programs in North America, Europe, and Asia, to get higher scores on GMAT, GRE, English test (TOEFL/IELTS), and more! >> Alpha Advisors

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