Info Session ~Haas School of business UC Berkeley~

the Haas School of Business at the University of California Berkeley is the second-oldest business school in the United States, and one of the world's leading producers of new ideas and knowledge in all areas of business

Fri, 25 Dec 2015 04:23:31 +0900

It has the distinction of having two of its faculty members receive the Nobel Prize in Economics over the past 20 years.

Fri, 25 Dec 2015 04:25:16 +0900

The school offers class visit, lunch with students, and networking workshop.
Those of you who already submitted or will submit your applications for Round 1 , and Round 2, It's a great chance to motivate or interest yourself for your future MBA life.
Here are schedules for class visit, lunch opportunity, and workshops.

Fri, 25 Dec 2015 04:31:28 +0900

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