Billionaire Tilman Fertitta Finally Answers Whether or Not an MBA is Worth It?

If you are still thinking whether or not a Masters in Business Administration is worth it, here is billionaire Tilman Fertitta's answer! In his own words here is exactly what he said:

Fri, 06 May 2016 00:48:22 +0900

"Let me just say this, God gave me a gift of understanding business, but if God didn't give you that gift and you want to be an entrepreneur and you want to be a business person, go get your MBA," said Fertitta, CEO of Fertitta Entertainment, which owns Landry's and the Golden Nugget casinos.

Fri, 06 May 2016 00:48:32 +0900
Fri, 06 May 2016 00:48:45 +0900

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