MBA Admissions Support Programs!
Knowhow from Alpha Advisors members.
MBA in Sports Management, First in Asia
Stamford International University has joined hands with Real Madrid Graduate School in launching its Master of Business Administration (MBA) in sports management for the first time in Asia. -
MBA Fee hike, Demand intact
Rising tuition fees are an issue, particularly in the US, where students now face paying back six figure sums for two-year MBA courses at top schools, even before other essentials such as books, health insurance and other living costs are factored in -
Online MBA Degrees
These days a a lot of executives prefer an online MBA, while pursuing their current job. -
Where are the Elite MBAs going?
Salesforce, VMWare, and Box are among the San Francisco start-ups that are recruiting bright MBAs from Stanford’s Graduate School of Business. -
Wharton's latest offering....
The University of Pennsylvania’s elite business school Wharton is betting on big data. -
Bowers and Wilkins bought over by a start up
Bowers and Wilkins, the British speaker company recently sold itself to a tiny start up in Silicon Valley that no one had heard of before. -
Harvard MBA Class of 2016 Members Who Received Recognition for Service to School and Society
Three students from the world famous business school, HBS, have been awarded the prestigious award that recognises them for Service to School and Society; Abdulaziz Albahar, Sara Gentile and Needham Hurst have been selected for the award and will be honored by Dean Nitin Nohria on campus on 26 May. -
A MBA Grad Who Left Behind a Mundane Corporate Life in Exchange for a Career in Restaurants
Mark Barak holds a MBA degree from Wharton and worked in the corporate world for 12 years, then made a shocking decision to rebrand his entire live and become a restaurateur. Not only was this is long-standing passion, but was also his lifelong dream, which he finally set out to achieve. Today, he is the proud owner of La Percora Bianca, a successful Italian restaurant in NYC. -
The Best and Brightest MBAs in 2016
Poets&Quants has announced a 100 names in its list of the best and brightest MBA students this year. This list includes some of the world's most outstanding and inspirational MBA graduates. The students on this list have not only excelled academically or simply in their fields but have had some great experiences in their lives, coming into their MBA from different walks of life. -
Is the problem with the numbers?
Recently the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM) conducted a study that concluded that other than a handful of elite school graduates, MBAs in India earn less than $150 a month. While this fact has been known for a while now; what is interesting about the study is that they may have come up with a new reason for the problem. It is highly possible that India is overproducing its graduates thus leading to this issue. Is this the problem of the plenty? -
Kabul University's New MBA Program
The Kabul University has launched a Master of Business Administration (MBA) program with the aid of United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The Vice Chancellor of the university has stated the new program shall help students develop themselves to become successful business professionals in the future. -
The Unviersity of Cambridge's Plan for the Most Expensive Business Degree in the World
One of the world's top universities has just proposed a very shocking plan: the world's most expensive business degree. The four-year doctorate in business will is reported to cost around $332,000, and this only takes the tuition into account. In addition to that it is rumoured to be small and very selective. -
The Revolutionary TransparenC by Booth Students
University of Chicago Booth students have a new startup project, titled TransparenC that hopes to change and fill in the blanks left by current employment review websites like Glassdoor. The claim the website with be targeted at MBA students and will provide more specific feedback rather than a general one. The idea was conceived by student Mitch Kirby for whom Glassdoor felt like an "information overload". -
グロービス経営大学院学長、堀義人氏による寄稿。4月に水戸を本拠とするプロバスケットボールチーム「茨城ロボッツ」のオーナーになった堀氏。2016年秋からバスケットボールの「Bリーグ2部」に参戦する同チームを如何にして街おこしに繋げるのか。ハーバードMBAホルダーによる街おこし戦略、一読の価値あり。 -
Blind Executive to Graduate with EMBA from MIT Sloan
As strange as it seems, Joe Bellantoni who had a successful career as the chief financial officer of Crystal Springs Resort, New Jersey which is top rated with six golf courses and luxury hotels, went back to graduate school. Mr. Bellantoni, who lost his sight in an accident a few years ago, made this challenging decision and went back to graduate school to get his EMBA. Even though he says the journey was harder than he thought it would be, his wife was his biggest supporter throughout. He is due to graduate from MIT Sloan School of Management next month with his degree. -
Gift worth $25 m supports New MBA Centre in Collegetown
The Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management is rapidly expanding its mark on the market, as its growing ties with Johnson Cornell Tech MBA in NYC and the Cornell Tsinghua MBA/FMA in Beijing. They will now be able to accomplish a new feat, this time closer to home in Collegetown, Ithica; all thanks to a generous gift by long-time supporter and MBA graduate David Breazzano who just made a donation of $25 million. -
今から約45年前の1970年、ハーバード・ビジネススクールのMBA過程に初めて入学を許された4人の女子学生の1人、マーガレット・ヘニグが、当時まだ少なかった企業の女性幹部についての研究を始めたという。当時の研究は女性が「生き残る」為にどうすべきかに重点が置かれていた。しかし、女性管理職が当時よりもずっと一般的な存在になった今、重点を置くべきは「生き残り」ではなく、「成功」である。女性管理職が成功する為の「女性リーダーの10の教訓」をまとめた記事。 -
Is an MBA really required for consequent success in private equity?
Private equity is a very lucrative option for many young hopefuls, but the question of how necessary an MBA is in order to gain success in the field is an important question. In North America, while you can join a firm without an MBA, your success process maybe slowed down. It has been clearly documented that having an MBA is considered the more popular and successful strategy for success in the field. -
世界各国からトップレベルの人材が集い、切磋琢磨する環境、エグゼクティブMBA。世界の第一線で活躍するビジネスエリートやエグゼクティブたちが共通して何を学び、何に興味を持っているのか?また、彼らが「学びたい」と感じているテーマの「共通項」とは?ビジネスで上を狙っていくなら是非目を通しておきたい記事。 -
University of Texas Ranked No.1 Public School in the US
Based on rankings compiled by Niche, the University of Texas at Austin has been named the number 1 public school in the US. The rankings were based on 1713 colleges and it took into account factors like, "the strength of the academic program, aptitude of professors, the quality of campus amenities and the general character of life. The university mostly scored A+ and A-. -
バブソン・カレッジという名前を耳にしたことは有るだろうか?実はこのビジネススクール、かの豊田章男氏の母校であり、米ニューズ・アンド・ワールド・リポート誌のMBA世界ランキング、アントレプレナーシップ部門で23年連続トップを獲得している。そんなバブソン・カレッジのユニークな授業の全貌とは?MBAに興味があり、起業家を志す方は絶対に見逃せない記事。 -
The Reason Why Indian Students Prefer International MBA Degrees
It is no secret that Indian students tend to prefer international MBA degrees over Indian ones. From a survey of 10,000 Indians, it was revealed that 81% students would prefer a foreign MBA degree. The biggest factor that attracts the students to foreign degrees is the reputation that international business schools have in the international job market. Other factors include: improved chances of an international career, better future preparation and diversity of students. -
Prestigious Universities in the world- Rankings Out!
Annual university rankings are some of the most awaited news in the academic world. Students and academic professionals alike are continually debating regarding which universities are on the top! Times Higher Education is one of the most prestigious and credible rankings of the year. Here are the rankings for 2016, the list is once again dominated by American and British schools. Top ten include Harvard, MIT and Stanford. -
二流大学からでも、MBAは取れる!『非学歴エリート』著者の安井元康氏が語る、二流大学からMBAを取りにいく戦略とは!?MBAを志す方には是非とも読んで頂きたい記事。 -
INSEAD's One year MBA Top in 2016
INSEAD is one of the top business school around the world, with international campuses in France, Singapore and Abu Dhabi. In 2016, for the first time a program with a strong presence in Asia has been ranked number 1 by FT. INSEAD is the only top-ranked business school which teaches its full time MBA on multiple campuses.
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