【HKU MBAが限定ウェビナー開催!】日本時間10/29(土)11:30am開催!アジア最強香港大MBAの限定ウェビナーに参加できるチャンス!日本人在校生4名が登壇!ご興味ある人は今すぐ登録!
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コロンビアMBAにもLBSにも必ずいける香港大MBAがスゴイ!香港、中国、東南アジアも制覇できるHKU MBAに興味のある20、30,40代は今すぐアルファに相談だ!
【 10/29必席!】アジア最高峰香港大学MBA/HKU MBA!HKUMBAからグローバルマネジメントキャリアへ!HKUMBA出願も今すぐアルファに相談だ!
Our Full-time MBA Programme is made up of a culturally diverse cohort, with people of all different ethnic and cultural backgrounds choosing to study at HKU. To support our community, we will be having a number of student sharing series which will feature students from different parts of the world. Coming up next, on the 29 Oct, a group of current Japanese students will share their journeys with us, touching on 💬:
· The reason for choosing the HKU MBA Programme over other international MBA programmes
· The admissions preparation and process
· Student life, such as classroom experiences, time management, cultural diversity, career development and training support
· How the HKU MBA has helped shape their thought processes and more
This will be a great way to learn about our programme from a student’s viewpoint, so don’t miss out on this event. Sign up now:
#HKU #HKUMBA #FullTimeMBA #LearnBusinessWhereBusinessIs #Student #Sharing
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