【JPモルガン証券】Information Security Manager, Vice President


Legal Entity Regulatory Requirements Management

As part of the Legal Entity Regulatory Requirements team, you will support the CTC team in documenting, consolidating, rationalizing and automating firmwide local/legal entity regulatory requirements into the CTC tooling ecosystem by:
Identify legal entity regulatory requirements pertaining to internal applications and their subsequent impact to each legal entity and ensure these requirements are met accordingly.
Develop a regulatory framework required to support outreach requirements specific to locations and their legal entities with regard to cloud migration, access control, data localisation.
Part of the operational initiative to support and guide application teams in the firm to identify specific impact across the globe and address applicable regulatory outreach requirements.
Drive the effort to obtain regulatory approvals from start to finish in an efficient and timely manner. Identify opportunities to streamline and enhance processes to benefit stakeholders.
Ensure collaboration with location representatives and internal review teams to ensure continued success of regulatory journey.
Point of contact for stakeholders throughout the Firm to navigate application teams’ journey to ensure regulatory outreach requirements are addressed pertaining to cloud migration, data localisation, access controls.
Maintain governance of the regulatory framework and support strategic solutions to automate within the Firm.


This role requires a wide variety of strengths and capabilities, including:

Bachelor’s degree or equivalent experience
Strong leadership skills with exceptional communication and presence
Advanced knowledge of multiple IT control and project management practices and experience working across large environments
Ability to collaborate with high-performing teams and individuals throughout the firm to accomplish common goals
Expertise in application and infrastructure high-availability and resiliency architectures with demonstrated experience in business
Proficiency in information security domains, including policies and standards, risk and control assessments, access controls, regulatory compliance, technology resiliency, risk and control governance and metrics, incident management, secure systems development lifecycle, vulnerability management, and data protection


Banking, Securities, and Insurance



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