【モルガン・スタンレー】障がい者中途採用、東京 Disability Employment Opportunities, Experienced Professional, Tokyo


Our greatest asset is our people, and we welcome applications from professionals with diverse experiences and backgrounds including those with disabilities. For applicants to this posting, we will first arrange a meeting with you to understand your career objectives and preferences, as well as answer any questions or concerns you may have. We will then suggest suitable roles/level, which depending on your skills and experience may be for full time employment, or fixed term contract with the possibility of conversion into a full time position.



We are committed to providing a work environment where all individuals with or without disabilities can achieve their full potential. In this regards, we provide a variety of support for employees based on their needs. We have experience supporting employees with various types of physical and mental disabilities. We also thrive to create a work environment where all employees can proactively discuss concerns and suggest solutions to ensure you can work effectively.

当社では、障がいの有無にかかわらずすべての社員が個々の能力を最大限発揮できる職場環境の実現を目指しており、社員のニーズに応じた様々なサポートを行っています。そして、社員が不安や懸念を積極的に話し合い、より効果的に働くために必要な解決策を自ら提案できる職場環境作りを目指しています。過去の雇用実績: 身体障がい(上肢,下肢,体幹,視覚,聴覚,心臓 腎臓,小腸,指の欠損)精神障がいなど

Our Office / オフィス設備

Barrier-free, wheelchair accessible office/ バリアフリーオフィス・車いす可
Multi-purpose toilets on every floor/ 多目的トイレ(各フロア)
Car commuting, with reserved parking/ 車通勤可
Doctor’s Office/ 産業医オフィス
First Aid Room/ ファーストエイドルーム(休養室)
Direct access from Otemachi Station (Marunouchi Line) Exit A1/ 丸ノ内線大手町駅A1出口直結
Voice audio software/ 音声出力ソフトあり
Written communication/ 筆談対応可
Sign language interpretation/ 手話通訳

Examples of Accommodations /合理的配慮の一例

Changes in work hours and/or work location/ 勤務時間や勤務場所の変更・調整
Commutation support to and from work/ 通勤に関わるサポート
Allow time away from work for medical check-up or rehabilitation/ 通院またはリハビリテーションに伴う外出の承認
Changing or adapting work practices and procedures/ 業務プロセスや慣例の変更・調整
Assigning a “buddy” or mentor who can provide support/ 勤務の支援を行うサポーターやメンターなどの選出

Please also refer to our website on our Support for Employees with Disabilities (English / Japanese)


Across all divisions and levels, the following skills are the foundation to a successful career with us.


Business level Japanese and English verbal/written communication skills/ ビジネスレベルの日本語と英語コミュニケーション力(読み、書き)
Basic PC skills (Word/Excel/Outlook)/ 基本的なPCスキル(Word/Excel/Outlook)
Comfortable working independently as well as part of a team/ チームと協働しながらも、自立して仕事を進める力
Growth mindset, with drive to learn, develop and embrace challenges/ 自ら学び、成長し、挑戦を受け入れられる向上心

Note: Experience working in the financial industry is not a requirement as on-the-job training and development opportunities will be provided/ 金融業界での職務経験は必須ではありません。必要に応じて、研修やOJTを提供いたします。


Banking, Securities, and Insurance



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