Knowhow 540
The Importance of SAT and ACT for College Admission
Symbols of the modern admission procedure in the US, SAT and ACT seem to be playing a major role for university recruitment. But does it really matter? -
Tips for Application Essays for Harvard
Harvard Business school is the most sought after business school for all MBA aspirants who want to experience the best education, practical training and have strong industry networks. -
4 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Entering An MBA
Whether or not to continue your education and take the plunge for an MBA is a very important decision; it is one that has a very deep impact on your career in the long run. Here are 4 questions you should ask yourself to help you make this decision: -
How to Finance Yourself During College
College is expensive as the student loan debt hit the news every year, but there is always a way to overcome these expenses. Coming from, there are a list of statistics and tips on what new college students can do in order to pay their fees. -
The Unviersity of Cambridge's Plan for the Most Expensive Business Degree in the World
One of the world's top universities has just proposed a very shocking plan: the world's most expensive business degree. The four-year doctorate in business will is reported to cost around $332,000, and this only takes the tuition into account. In addition to that it is rumoured to be small and very selective. -
What is an Executive MBA?
An executive MBA, or EMBA, is a graduate level business degree. An executive MBA program is a lot like a regular MBA program. The main difference is that an executive MBA program is primarily designed to educate working executives, managers, entrepreneurs, and other business leaders. -
World's Cheapest MBA
Shai Reshef, a New York based entrepreneur sold his education company to Kaplan, Inc. In 2009, he invested the proceeds into offering tuition-free college degrees. His Pasadena-based University of the People has enrolled 3,500 students from across the world in bachelor degrees in business administration and computer science, taught online in small, intensive classes. -
4 Things NOT To Do On Your MBA Essay
While GMAT scores, undergraduate GPA and work experience can play a pivotal role in your MBA application, one must not underestimate the importance of an application essay. It cannot be stressed enough that an essay can either make or break your application and thus your acceptance into the university. Here are 4 tips, for things NOT to do or say in your essay, to help you use your essay as an opportunity rather than a burden: -
The Revolutionary TransparenC by Booth Students
University of Chicago Booth students have a new startup project, titled TransparenC that hopes to change and fill in the blanks left by current employment review websites like Glassdoor. The claim the website with be targeted at MBA students and will provide more specific feedback rather than a general one. The idea was conceived by student Mitch Kirby for whom Glassdoor felt like an "information overload". -
Which is apt for a banking job- CFA or MBA?
This article discusses which qualification candidates are mostly in banking sector- CFA or MBA. -
France’s Best Universities of 2016
グロービス経営大学院学長、堀義人氏による寄稿。4月に水戸を本拠とするプロバスケットボールチーム「茨城ロボッツ」のオーナーになった堀氏。2016年秋からバスケットボールの「Bリーグ2部」に参戦する同チームを如何にして街おこしに繋げるのか。ハーバードMBAホルダーによる街おこし戦略、一読の価値あり。 -
Chicago Booth Accelerator helping Businesses
New Venture Challenge was recently named a top accelerator program in the nation as it has given rise to many illustrious businesses. -
Inspiring Biographies of Business Leaders
Business Leaders are very inspiring as their personalities, life journeys and their contribution to the business world and the society is often impactful. Here is a list of must read biographies of famous business people which make an inspiring read fro people who aspire to be business people in future. -
All You Need for College Application is…
Attitude. Forbes has recently reported how the new standardised tests and overall college application process are becoming painful and economically requiring. However, there is always a way.
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