Knowhow 540
Prestigious Universities in the world- Rankings Out!
Annual university rankings are some of the most awaited news in the academic world. Students and academic professionals alike are continually debating regarding which universities are on the top! Times Higher Education is one of the most prestigious and credible rankings of the year. Here are the rankings for 2016, the list is once again dominated by American and British schools. Top ten include Harvard, MIT and Stanford. -
Smaller Unis Can Compete
Coming from the dailymail, an article is stating that Studying at a prestigious university won’t necessarily earn you more cash or increase your chances of landing employment. Comparisons with smaller universities show that job landing and pay does not differ greatly between students coming from big universities and students coming from smaller ones. -
MBA in Sports Management, First in Asia
Stamford International University has joined hands with Real Madrid Graduate School in launching its Master of Business Administration (MBA) in sports management for the first time in Asia. -
Millennials reveal GMAT strategies, TOP TIPS
The GMAT remains one of the most popular graduate degree options to get into a business school. Most top business schools including the likes of Stanford and Harvard require high GMAT scores. For example the average score of Stanford intakes is around 733, while Wharton averages at around 732. While the GMAT is an extremely important hurdle in most candidates' lives, it can also be quite challenging since the stakes are high. Here are some top GMAT strategies as revealed by top millennials: -
【おすすめ書籍】 ハーバードビジネススクール 不幸な人間の製造工場
フィリップ・デルヴス・ブロートン(著) -
二流大学からでも、MBAは取れる!『非学歴エリート』著者の安井元康氏が語る、二流大学からMBAを取りにいく戦略とは!?MBAを志す方には是非とも読んで頂きたい記事。 -
3 Books Recommended By a Wharton Professor
Wharton Professor and LinkedIn Influencer Adam Grant, has released an article stating some books around the theme of work and psychology. In his opinion, these authors are offering real data rather than merely stating their opinions: -
24 Best Universities in the World
The Independent has released has release a list of 24 Institutes rated best in the World. Of the top 24, 16 are in US soil, and 6 in the UK, with one entry each for Canada and Switzerland. Some of these include University of Edinburgh (UK), London School of Economics (UK), and Carnegie Mellon University (US) to name the last coming finalists. -
Recommended Magazines for MBA Aspirants
Here is a list of some popular magazines which are recommended for MBA aspirants. -
MBA Fee hike, Demand intact
Rising tuition fees are an issue, particularly in the US, where students now face paying back six figure sums for two-year MBA courses at top schools, even before other essentials such as books, health insurance and other living costs are factored in -
INSEAD's One year MBA Top in 2016
INSEAD is one of the top business school around the world, with international campuses in France, Singapore and Abu Dhabi. In 2016, for the first time a program with a strong presence in Asia has been ranked number 1 by FT. INSEAD is the only top-ranked business school which teaches its full time MBA on multiple campuses. -
MBA Candidates have a clearer vision for their future
The Graduate Management Admission Council released a report today that stated that business school candidates at the present time are applying to fewer variety of program types and seem more streamlined and focused on their career path. The economy may play a pivotal role in this change since people are now finding it earier to get into their 'dream jobs'. -
5 Reasons why an MBA can be beneficial
MBA is one of the most sought after professional degree for people to make their foray into the world of business, management and administration. Usually people prefer doing it after doing a bachelor’s degree in engineering or business but there is no restriction as people from various field can do it ranging from accountants, doctors to lawyers. -
Top 7 STEM Summer Programs
The Huffington Post has released a list of top 7 STEM Summer Programs prior to college admission. STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) programs are born to prepare students for College, and are held over one summer in order to deepen the student’s knowledge. -
日本マイクロソフト会長 樋口泰行氏が語る、ハーバードMBAの過酷さ
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