Knowhow 139
How to Finance Yourself During College
College is expensive as the student loan debt hit the news every year, but there is always a way to overcome these expenses. Coming from, there are a list of statistics and tips on what new college students can do in order to pay their fees. -
The Unviersity of Cambridge's Plan for the Most Expensive Business Degree in the World
One of the world's top universities has just proposed a very shocking plan: the world's most expensive business degree. The four-year doctorate in business will is reported to cost around $332,000, and this only takes the tuition into account. In addition to that it is rumoured to be small and very selective. -
World's Cheapest MBA
Shai Reshef, a New York based entrepreneur sold his education company to Kaplan, Inc. In 2009, he invested the proceeds into offering tuition-free college degrees. His Pasadena-based University of the People has enrolled 3,500 students from across the world in bachelor degrees in business administration and computer science, taught online in small, intensive classes. -
The Revolutionary TransparenC by Booth Students
University of Chicago Booth students have a new startup project, titled TransparenC that hopes to change and fill in the blanks left by current employment review websites like Glassdoor. The claim the website with be targeted at MBA students and will provide more specific feedback rather than a general one. The idea was conceived by student Mitch Kirby for whom Glassdoor felt like an "information overload". -
Which is apt for a banking job- CFA or MBA?
This article discusses which qualification candidates are mostly in banking sector- CFA or MBA. -
France’s Best Universities of 2016
グロービス経営大学院学長、堀義人氏による寄稿。4月に水戸を本拠とするプロバスケットボールチーム「茨城ロボッツ」のオーナーになった堀氏。2016年秋からバスケットボールの「Bリーグ2部」に参戦する同チームを如何にして街おこしに繋げるのか。ハーバードMBAホルダーによる街おこし戦略、一読の価値あり。 -
Chicago Booth Accelerator helping Businesses
New Venture Challenge was recently named a top accelerator program in the nation as it has given rise to many illustrious businesses. -
All You Need for College Application is…
Attitude. Forbes has recently reported how the new standardised tests and overall college application process are becoming painful and economically requiring. However, there is always a way. -
Blind Executive to Graduate with EMBA from MIT Sloan
As strange as it seems, Joe Bellantoni who had a successful career as the chief financial officer of Crystal Springs Resort, New Jersey which is top rated with six golf courses and luxury hotels, went back to graduate school. Mr. Bellantoni, who lost his sight in an accident a few years ago, made this challenging decision and went back to graduate school to get his EMBA. Even though he says the journey was harder than he thought it would be, his wife was his biggest supporter throughout. He is due to graduate from MIT Sloan School of Management next month with his degree. -
Gift worth $25 m supports New MBA Centre in Collegetown
The Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management is rapidly expanding its mark on the market, as its growing ties with Johnson Cornell Tech MBA in NYC and the Cornell Tsinghua MBA/FMA in Beijing. They will now be able to accomplish a new feat, this time closer to home in Collegetown, Ithica; all thanks to a generous gift by long-time supporter and MBA graduate David Breazzano who just made a donation of $25 million. -
今から約45年前の1970年、ハーバード・ビジネススクールのMBA過程に初めて入学を許された4人の女子学生の1人、マーガレット・ヘニグが、当時まだ少なかった企業の女性幹部についての研究を始めたという。当時の研究は女性が「生き残る」為にどうすべきかに重点が置かれていた。しかし、女性管理職が当時よりもずっと一般的な存在になった今、重点を置くべきは「生き残り」ではなく、「成功」である。女性管理職が成功する為の「女性リーダーの10の教訓」をまとめた記事。 -
University Forced to Publish Data
Chancellor of Oxford University has warned that universities cannot accept more ethnic minority students under a quota system without eroding standards. -
Too many MBA colleges....Quality Plummeting
India has the largest number of MBA colleges if there is a survey of college to population ratio. In present times, the supply of MBA colleges is much higher than demand by prospective students. -
New Approach Aiming to Revolutionize Executive Education
Once thought to revolutionise the education world, MOOCs may not be overthrown by a rising new platform: the SPOC. Small, Private, Online Courses, are online courses that provide the “byte-size” nature of a MOOC but much better peer-to-peer learning that is more commonplace with a classroom-based course.
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