Knowhow 139
二流大学からでも、MBAは取れる!『非学歴エリート』著者の安井元康氏が語る、二流大学からMBAを取りにいく戦略とは!?MBAを志す方には是非とも読んで頂きたい記事。 -
24 Best Universities in the World
The Independent has released has release a list of 24 Institutes rated best in the World. Of the top 24, 16 are in US soil, and 6 in the UK, with one entry each for Canada and Switzerland. Some of these include University of Edinburgh (UK), London School of Economics (UK), and Carnegie Mellon University (US) to name the last coming finalists. -
MBA Fee hike, Demand intact
Rising tuition fees are an issue, particularly in the US, where students now face paying back six figure sums for two-year MBA courses at top schools, even before other essentials such as books, health insurance and other living costs are factored in -
INSEAD's One year MBA Top in 2016
INSEAD is one of the top business school around the world, with international campuses in France, Singapore and Abu Dhabi. In 2016, for the first time a program with a strong presence in Asia has been ranked number 1 by FT. INSEAD is the only top-ranked business school which teaches its full time MBA on multiple campuses. -
MBA Candidates have a clearer vision for their future
The Graduate Management Admission Council released a report today that stated that business school candidates at the present time are applying to fewer variety of program types and seem more streamlined and focused on their career path. The economy may play a pivotal role in this change since people are now finding it earier to get into their 'dream jobs'. -
Top 7 STEM Summer Programs
The Huffington Post has released a list of top 7 STEM Summer Programs prior to college admission. STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) programs are born to prepare students for College, and are held over one summer in order to deepen the student’s knowledge. -
日本マイクロソフト会長 樋口泰行氏が語る、ハーバードMBAの過酷さ
今年7月、7年余り勤めたマイクロソフト日本法人社長の座を後進に譲り、同社会長に就任した樋口泰行氏(57)のインタビュー記事。日本ヒューレット・パッカード社長やダイエー社長を歴任するなど、輝かしい経歴を誇る樋口氏が苦労したというハーバードMBAの授業とは? -
Online MBA Degrees
These days a a lot of executives prefer an online MBA, while pursuing their current job. -
ライフネット生命保険の岩瀬大輔社長(40)は、東京大学在学中に司法試験に合格後、BCG(ボストン・コンサルティング・グループ)に就職。その後、著名な投資ファンドに転職し、上場企業の社外役員に就任し、28歳の時にHBSでMBA留学。そんな岩瀬氏が語る、「気付き」とは? -
Teen Admitted into 7 Ivy League Schools
Dylan Parker, a Pittsford 12th-grader was not able to make it into Princeton. But unlike stepping backwards and giving up, he is now admitted to the other 7 Ivy League Universities. -
Where are the Elite MBAs going?
Salesforce, VMWare, and Box are among the San Francisco start-ups that are recruiting bright MBAs from Stanford’s Graduate School of Business. -
Quality MBA degrees are cheap in Europe right now!
Thinking along the lines of Return on Investment and keeping in mind the current currency fluctuation with regards to the euro (it is declining), top European schools are becoming much more affordable for international students and is become an increasingly popular destination to pursue an MBA especially for American students who want an international experience. Top European business schools like HEC in Paris and the IE Business School in Madrid are now being seen as very viable choices for an MBA -
Beuth Univeristy's MBA program strengthens its ties with renewable energy
The unique distance learning MBA renewables program that is jointly offered by the Renewables Academy AG (RENAC) and Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin, recently announced the launching of its International Advisory Board. The MBA renewables is designed to prepare professionals with advanced management skills for specific executive positions in companies that focus on renewable energy and energy efficiency. -
Wharton's latest offering....
The University of Pennsylvania’s elite business school Wharton is betting on big data. -
Retiring Giants' Player, Justin Tuck to Pursue an MBA at Wharton
Giants' defensive end, Justin Tuck officially retired last Friday, and released a statement stating that his future plans include pursuing an MBA at University of Pennsylvania's elite, Wharton School of Business. Tuck has previously attended Notre Dame University, graduating in 2005. In addition to that he was recently honoured by Columbia University for his humanitarian work with children with a low-income background and financial literacy problems.
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