Posted Knowhows and Informations
[Ask Alpha]MBA: I need to get accepted to an MBA using my company's money, but my current TOEFL....
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留学先で現地の友達を作る方法! 〜口コミで評判の安心と信頼のTJアドバイザーズ。就活、MBA、転職で成功実績多数!〜
こんにちは!Ruraです。 -
[Ask Alpha]Grad School: I want to go to graduate school at Columbia or Stanford right after...
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[Ask Alpha]Grad School: I want to go to Institute of Design at Stanford, but what do I need to do...
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[Ask Alpha]Grad School: I'm currently thinking about attending a non-Japanese graduate school,..
I have been taking TOEIC and TOEFL for long! My life goal is to get the full mark on TOEIC. Nothing is impossible and always follow your heart!
高校一年時TOEIC320点から、17歳で一年の留学を経て750点を獲得。大学三年で900点をゲットしました。満点獲得を目指して今も勉強にはげんでいます!TOEFL iBT は自ら問題を作るなどして設問をひたすら研究しました。
- ・Japanese Native
- ・English Business
- ・TOEIC level Over 900
- ・TOEFL level Over 80