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5 Books to Read Before Graduating College (Literature)
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College is a fun place to be in, but at times it can also be a bubble — in the sense that what (and where) you choose to study will determine who you will be surrounded by and, in turn, what sort of ideas and opinions that you will be exposed to most of the time. Reading is one good way to get out of that bubble: it reminds you that there is a wider world out with many more things to explore beyond what it is that you are studying. Yet, many students arguably do not read as widely as they should. If, for example, you chose to study something in the S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) areas, chances are you'll go through your college life without encountering works of literature. The same applies to those pursuing degrees in humanities and social sciences; chances are you wouldn't make the effort to read books that explain in detail about important scientific discoveries and paradigm shifts in the past two centuries. For students who are more balanced and would like to expand their literary horizons before graduating, here are some books you should read before venturing out in the "real world."
This is by no means an exhaustive list, and is intended to be the first part of a series of recommendations over the next couple of weeks. This week's focus will be on works of fiction and classical literature from the past.
1) Norwegian Wood
Haruki Murakami's "Norwegian Wood" (ノルウェの森) is a story about true love and friendship, a story about one college student who is compelled to change his outlook on life, his attitude, and principles to everything that happens around him in his life. It is a story that teaches us the value of friendship with the people we love and those who love us in return, despite everything that happens. It is also a story that will give a glimpse of some of the uglier parts of adult life that students must be ready to accept.