Incorporate Jobs, Hobbies Into College Applications

Include out-of-school activities that show passion and leadership in college applications.

Sat, 26 Dec 2015 09:37:05 +0900

College applicants don't have to participate in common, school-sponsored activities – like the National Honor Society or school band – to catch the attention of admissions officials. In short, your hobbies and out-of-school activities can definitely be your strength.

Sat, 26 Dec 2015 09:37:27 +0900

Experts recommend that students take every available opportunity on an application to fill in details about who they are and how they spend their time. Talk about your Etsy shop, lawn mowing service or rock band, for example, if they highlight your individuality, personality and passion.

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Sat, 26 Dec 2015 09:38:16 +0900

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