The STEM Boom

No Name

The rise of technology startups in the past 5 years and one of the most prolific investment periods in Silicon Valley history has led to more than just TV sitcoms and young students more focused on studying STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) majors.

Fri, 27 May 2016 22:37:23 +0900
No Name

In the past 5 years, students and parents have expressed the explicit goal of studying “software engineering”, “artificial intelligence”, and even more specific concepts within STEM or computer science. As students in high school get more exposure through the media on the types of engineering and the possibilities they provide, they are more open to trying summer internships, school clubs, and competitions in the field. And they are starting earlier and earlier - 7th and 8th grade is common.

Fri, 27 May 2016 22:37:31 +0900
No Name

Do you want to know more of what and how STEM is and works? Read here:

Fri, 27 May 2016 22:37:39 +0900

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