About Alpha Advisors
Welcome to Alpha Advisors
Alpha Academy FAQ
Frequently asked questions

α Lectures
Q: Can I see the Free Lectures for free anytime?
A: Yes! If you log in, you will be able to see it for free! Lectures will be added and past lectures may be replaced with new ones, so please check once in a while!
Q: How much are α Premium Letures?
A: α Premium Letures are in packages, and basically it is only for “Advisory students”. Prices differ depending on the number of lecture videos, textbooks and assignments. Lecture video packages are from $50~. Study and input more!
Q: Can I post to “Dojo”?
A: Yes. Dojo can be used to improve yourself. You can use it for free. Please use it for the following purpose! α members can post and advertise for free! You can directly post it from mypage, website and from mobile app. If you keep on posting, others will “+α” you. You can become popular, start teaching, connect with others and get requests for new jobs! If you post constantly, you can expand your world!
1. Want to teach!
・Knowhow: share all kinds of knowhow for others!
2. Want to share!
・News: post news you are interested in!
・Events: share information of important seminars and events!
・Recommend: share information of companies, universities, gradutae schools, books, videos you recommend!
・Blog: you can write your own “α Blog”!
・Career: recommended recruitment information!
3. Want to connect!
・Community: you can connect with others who have same ambitions! Connect through Facebook group!
・Talk with experts: please welcome and invite others to share about your career and life!
4. Want to talk!
・Discussions: you can dicuss any topics!
Please do not post comments that are inappropriate for α Academy. It will be deleted immediately.
Share your interest and experience to others, and expand your world!
Every month, $500 will be rewarded to those who won the “Most PV Post Prize (MPV: Post with the highest PV)” and “Most Posted Post Prize (Post with the biggest impact in the discussion)”
Q: Can I post recruitment information of my company at the “career” in Dojo?
A: Yes! α members can post and advertise for free! Feel free to post recruitment information of your company, organization and team etc.! You can gather great candidates!
Q: What should I post for “talk with experts” in Dojo?
A: Please use it to welcome and invite others to share about your career and life! If you post comment like “I will be happy to share my experiences”, other members who are interested in you will contact you. If you post information on knowhow, news or others, people will come to see your “resume”! You can connect with new people and make the most of your potential!
** Q: How should I use the “α Resume”?**
A: The core page which will make most of our members’ potential is the “Resume”. If you keep your information updated, you will be able to connect with new people, or get offers/invitation from companies which are interested in you. If you make more friends, and get more job offers, you can broaden your world! We will develop more functions for the resume. You can use it anonymously, so please feel free to register!
About the Advisory
Q: What kinds of programs are included in the Advisory program?
A: The overview of the α Advisory programs are the same for every country/region in the world. Please check the details below!
Here is the overview of the α Online Chat Advisory!
* α Academy’s Advisory will be taught one-to-one via online chat
* We will choose a suitable mentor for you to achieve your goals, and “individual advisory chat” will begin
* You can take the Advisory through PC and smartphones, by online chat!
* α Professional mentors will take special care of you!
* We will support what you need to achieve your “goal”
* We teach through online, so you can also ask anytime, from anywhere!
* There are more than 3,000 students taking the Advisory program in the last 8 years! Join and be successful!
* We have successful achievement in all of the genre including entrance exams, job hunting, study abroad and career change!
*Join α Academy and achieve success!
You can get advice on your strategy, plans, how to study, progress management, review, and you can ask anytime. You will be able to get advice online from the α Advisors. We will support you to achieve your goals!
Mainly, there are three supports.
- Application Support (MBA/Study Abroad): including preparation for your Resume , Essay (Personal Statement), Interview and Recommendations
- Career Support (Job Hunting/Career Change/Promotion): including Resume, Essay and Interview
- Study Support (Entrance Exams/Test Preparation/Foreign Language): Online Tutoring Program will teach you any subjects you would like to learn from experts. You will be able to achieve high scores and have study plans made!
[Programs and Fees]
Here are the programes and fees of α Online Chat Advisory.
・You can apply monthly!
・Many apply to additional progams or apply to other programs at the same time
・Apply to the most suitable course, depending on your goals and situation!
① 1 Month Advisory Course 3 hours Online Chat Advisory/month × 1 month $240
② 3 Months Advisory Course 3 hours Online Chat Advisory/month × 3 months $720 → $684 (5% OFF!)
③ 6 Months Advisory Course 3 hours Online Chat Advisory/month × 6 months $1,440 → $1,296 (10% OFF!) Most popular (Many people who have succeeded have chosen this course!)
④ 9 Months Advisory Course 3 hours Online Chat Advisory/month × 9 months $2,160 → $1,836 (15% OFF!)
⑤ 12 Months Advisory Course 3 hours Online Chat Advisory/month × 12 months $2,880 → $2,304 (20% OFF!) Most Valued! (People who have succeeded for MBA/Study Abroad/Entrance Exams/Job Hunting preparation in the long-period have chosen this course!)
⑥ SKYPE Consultation Course (Only for Advisory Students): SKYPE Consultation $80/hour
⑦ Lecture Videos (Only for Advisory Students): “Lecture Videos” will be sold separately. Please contact α officer after starting the Advisory program.
- Fees will be in dollars. It is written without the tax.
- You can combine or add each program
- “3 hours” will be the time which Advisors will use on the online chat, (the average usage of mail will be 5-7 minutes per correspondence, and you can take contact for about 7-9 times per week on average) so there will be enough time. You can ask for advice on your strategy, plans, reviews for essays, how to study etc.! There should be enough time during the month, but you can also add time if you wish!
If you are wondering which programs to choose, please apply for free consultation now from below!
If you have already decided your course, please apply now!
Your worries will be solved, and you can achieve success!
Let’s be successful through α Academy!
Q: How are the Advisor chosen?
A: α Academy officer will choose the most suitable mentor for you to achieve your goals!
Q: Can I change the Advisor during the program? Would Advisor change during the program?
A: You can change the Advisor but 98% of our students have taken the program without changing their Advisors. Rarely, Advisors may quit due to their personal circumstances. In that case, a different Advisor will take care of you!
Q: Can I take the program from anywhere in the world?
A: Yes, of course! Our programs will be done through online chat using α Academy website or mobile app. Therefore, as long as you are online, you can take our program from anywhere in the world!
Q: How will I communicate with the Advisor?
A: We will make an online support team for you through our website. You can start communicating with your Advisor through the online chat.
Q: I want to know the performance results of the students!
A: We have great achievements! Here are the brief summary of the results!
【Job Hunting】
Accepted to Top Investment Banks, Consulting firms including Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, McKinsey, BCG etc.
【Career Change】
Accepted to Top Investment Banks, Consulting firms, IT companies including Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, McKinsey, BCG etc.
Accepted to Top Business Schools including Harvard, Chicago, Columbia, Stanford, UCLA etc.
Accepted to Top Universities including Harvard, Chicago, Columbia, Stanford, UCLA etc.
【Test Preparation 】
TOEFL 100, IELTS 7.5, GMAT 700, GRE 300
α Advisor
Q: How can I become an α Advisor?
A: α Academy welcome people who can become an α Advisor! We also have full-time Advisor! Register now to become an α Advisor!
> α Advisors Wanted!
α Academy mobile App
Q: Where can I download α Academy’s mobile App?
A: You can download α Academy’s mobile App (only for iPhone) from here!
> α Academy’s mobile App
*Currently, only available in Japanese
*Preparation in progress for Android!
Consultation or Questions
Q: What should I do if I want to ask questions?
A: Feel free to contact us anytime from the chat on your mypage! α Academy officer will reply to you!
>> Mypage chat
If you have any further questions, please contact us anytime!
We will thoroughly support you to lead to your success!
α Academy
Top 5 Knowhows
Top 5 Advisory