Knowhow 563
Beuth Univeristy's MBA program strengthens its ties with renewable energy
The unique distance learning MBA renewables program that is jointly offered by the Renewables Academy AG (RENAC) and Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin, recently announced the launching of its International Advisory Board. The MBA renewables is designed to prepare professionals with advanced management skills for specific executive positions in companies that focus on renewable energy and energy efficiency. -
Wharton's latest offering....
The University of Pennsylvania’s elite business school Wharton is betting on big data. -
Retiring Giants' Player, Justin Tuck to Pursue an MBA at Wharton
Giants' defensive end, Justin Tuck officially retired last Friday, and released a statement stating that his future plans include pursuing an MBA at University of Pennsylvania's elite, Wharton School of Business. Tuck has previously attended Notre Dame University, graduating in 2005. In addition to that he was recently honoured by Columbia University for his humanitarian work with children with a low-income background and financial literacy problems. -
A smart loan for people with credit history (yet), a smart idea?
Banks often tend to use credit scores to decide whether or not a person, business or entity is credible enough to get loans. However, those just starting out with their first ventures may not have past credit scores to base their loans on? Here is a new take on the subject, introducing the idea of smart loans! -
LINE生みの親である森川亮・前LINE社長の記事後編。現在は女性のための動画ファッション雑誌「C Channel」を運営する森川氏が、日テレからソニーへ転職し、その後ハンゲーム・ジャパン(現LINE)に転職するまでのキャリアを振り返る。好きな仕事をしたいという考えが根底にあるように見受けられる森川氏。MBAをしっかりと自身のキャリアに活用している一例でもあるので、MBAに興味がある方には是非読んで頂きたい。 -
Top Institute to Amplify Application Delivery Capacity
Binghamton University (BU) is one of the largest institutions in the State University of New York, and it has beefed up its application delivery capacity with a load balancing system to improve the stability of the school’s net. -
College, MBA, Job! Is that the right order?
Thinking about getting an undergraduate degree followed by work experience and finally an MBA? Is that really the right choice? And how easy is it to achieve that in today's competitive job market? Read about Fazlani Altius Business (FABS) School, where their unique 'inverted' business management program that indirectly challenges the regular education model around the world. -
Lake Superior State University Plans MBA Return
Lake Superior State University (LSSU) is planning the return of their MBA program after over a decade; when it was originally cancelled because of declining interest. The school is now looking to "reinstate the opportunity". The tentative date to start is in fall 2018. -
Top Colleges with Rolling Admissions
US News has released a list of the top eleven schools that are still using rolling admissions. Unlike most top schools, these colleges are utilising a different approach to student application by accepting students year round rather than setting strict application deadlines. -
Bowers and Wilkins bought over by a start up
Bowers and Wilkins, the British speaker company recently sold itself to a tiny start up in Silicon Valley that no one had heard of before. -
The Illinois Institute of Technology launches a very innovative Saturday MBA Program
The Illinois Institute of Technology just announced a new launch: a two-year Saturday MBA program, starting this fall. In addition to common MBA subjects including finance and marketing, the program will give an higher emphasis on innovation and entrepreneurship; as it is in partnership with Chicago Innovation Awards. The first cohort is said to have 30 students. -
Billionaire Tilman Fertitta Finally Answers Whether or Not an MBA is Worth It?
If you are still thinking whether or not a Masters in Business Administration is worth it, here is billionaire Tilman Fertitta's answer! In his own words here is exactly what he said: -
Tips for the GMAT Verbal section
Here are some quick tips for scoring high on the GMAT Verbal section. -
ハーバード、スタンフォード、コロンビア、ウォートン、シカゴ、MIT、UCバークレー、UCLA、LBS、Cambridge, Oxford, INSEAD、NUS、HKUSTなど圧勝合格を目指す方向けのMBAゼミ! -
The CFA Exam is Worth More in the Long Run than an Actual MBA Degree
The Chartered Financial Analyst exam is a challenging one, but has now proved to be worth more than an actual MBA degree in the long run. Since MBAs can cost over a hundred thousand dollars, a CFA exam is merely $1,000. Assuming candidates can pass it, it is a much more economical option.
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