Knowhow 563
Study Shows Most MBA Holders in India have a Salary Less than $147 a Month
A study conducted by the Associated Chambers of Commerce & Industry of India found that other than graduates from top MBA institutes (like IIM), graduates from other MBA programs earn less than $147 a month, assuming that they do find placements. Considering India is one of the fastest moving economies, it's sad and shocking to see its graduates in such appalling conditions. -
# Date and Time -
3 Tips to Acing an MBA Interview (Part 2)
One of the most gruelling and challenging aspect of the MBA application process, in addition to the GMAT examinations. However, like for the exam, there are ways in which one can prepare themselves in advance for the interview. Here are three tips that will help you through an MBA interview: -
How Important is the Alumni Network in Business Schools?
A large part on being in a business school involves socialising and building an 'alumni network'. But, how important is an alumni network in the years that follow? The answer is ambivalent, because there are definitely scenarios where alumni networks have proven to helpful in terms of entrepreneurship and general networking required within a business. However, there are certain scenarios in which it may have adverse effects. -
Tips for GMAT Math section
Math is a critical component of GMAT. Using the correct balance of techniques, tips, tricks and practice, the Math section can be handled effectively. A good math score can lead to a better overall score. -
2 Business Books that Anyone with a Mind for Business MUST Read (Part 1)
Many students, professionals or even casual business enthusiasts are genuinely interested in some of the fathoming ideas out there. Here’s a list of three must read books for any one with a even a slight interest in business, whether it be wanting to attend business school or just to kick back and relax with a good book. -
Is an MBA still truly valuable in today's modern world?
In 2016, we live in a world where in there are thousands of fresh MBA graduates, some even from top institutions around the world, who are unemployed. This, in a world where only a few decades ago having an MBA meant a direct ticket to a high paying job with a good package. What exactly has changed? Is an MBA still truly valuable? -
Do college students today struggle with reading?
Work hard, play hard: a popular mantra among college students today. But is this true in real life? Do students work as hard as they're expected to by their professors, and not just as they expect themselves to? Many professors today say students don't work as hard as they can, and don't finish their assigned readings, for example, out of lack of ability. Students say they're just overloaded with things and simply don't have enough time. -
5 Books to Read Before Graduating College (Literature)
College is a fun place to be in, but at times it can also be a bubble — in the sense that what (and where) you choose to study will determine who you will be surrounded by and, in turn, what sort of ideas and opinions that you will be exposed to most of the time. Reading is one good way to get out of that bubble: it reminds you that there is a wider world out with many more things to explore beyond what it is that you are studying. Yet, many students arguably do not read as widely as they should. If, for example, you chose to study something in the S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) areas, chances are you'll go through your college life without encountering works of literature. The same applies to those pursuing degrees in humanities and social sciences; chances are you wouldn't make the effort to read books that explain in detail about important scientific discoveries and paradigm shifts in the past two centuries. For students who are more balanced and would like to expand their literary horizons before graduating, here are some books you should read before venturing out in the "real world." -
Top videos to Prepare for MBA Interview
Visuals are always more helpful to learn and practice anything. Similarly, watching videos of mock interview for an MBA program, getting tips from the expert can be very useful and beneficial to perform well on the actual interview day. -
Tips for an MBA Interview
MBA interview experience can be quite stressful for some applicants as they might panic or get flustered if they are not able to answer certain questions. -
3 Must-See Videos on What College Life is Like in the US
Want to know what life is like for college students in the US? Check out these videos produced by College Presents! -
College students help teenagers with autism develop social skills
Recently, college students from the University of Texas at Dallas participated at an event entitled “Engineering Brighter Futures for Autism." The goal of the event was to foster greater civic engagement in the greater Dallas-Forth Worth area, and help teenagers diagnosed with autism develop their social and engineering skills which can help their further their goals and ambitions. -
3 Essential Social Skills for College Students
College is, first and foremost, a place to learn more about the things that you are interested in, but it’s also a place to socialize. It’s where you make new friends and learn to expose yourself to other people, their values and beliefs, opinions, and (hopefully) common interests. As such, it’s also important to develop a set of skills that will make the process easier and more natural for you to connect with others. Some of these skills can be cultivated inside the classroom with fellow classmates and such, but others require a greater level of involvement beyond the classroom setting. -
Ole Miss Online MBA Program Ranked No. 1
University of Mississippi's online MBA degree program has been ranked number 1 based on factors that students believe are prudent in choosing a post-graduate university. The survey system gives equal importance to four categories:the school's academic reputation, career success of their graduates, value and overall costs.
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